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Torque Workflows


Workflows are a powerful way to automate and orchestrate complex processes. They allow you to define a series of actions and steps that are executed in a specific order. Workflows can be triggered by events or scheduled to run at specific times.

Workflow discovery is done in the same way of Blueprints. The yaml needs to be under the blueprints/ directory in the repository.

The Workflow YAML standard is similar to the Blueprint standard. The only addition to the Workflow specification is the the workflow block.

spec_version: 2
description: This Workflow will ...

scope: env

grains: ...

The scope field in a Torque workflow determines where the workflow is available. There are two possible values for the scope field:

  1. env: Workflows with this scope are available at the environment level. This means that they can be triggered and executed for the entire environment. These workflows can be used to automate and orchestrate processes that involve multiple resources within the environment.

  2. env_resource: Workflows with this scope will be available at the resource level (e.g. for a VM or DB). The type of resource for which the workflow will be available is defined by the resource-types field. Only resources that match the specified resource types will have access to these workflows. This allows for more granular control and customization of workflows based on specific resource types. For example:

spec_version: 2
description: This Resource Workflow will ...

scope: env_resource
# note: more than one resource type can be specified in CSV format.
resource-types: aws_instance

grains: ...

By specifying the appropriate scope for your workflows, you can ensure that they are available and applicable to the desired level of your infrastructure. Whether you need to automate processes at the environment level or target specific resources, Torque workflows provide the flexibility to meet your automation needs.


In a workflow, you can define bindings to access environment and resource information. Bindings are automatic variables that provide context to the workflow. The available bindings depend on the scope of the workflow.

For workflows with scope env, the following automatic variables are available:

  • bindings.environment_id

For workflows with scope env_resource, the following automatic variables are available:

  • bindings.environment_id
  • bindings.grain_path
  • bindings.resource_id

The binding variables will provide the relevant context to access the relevant resource introspection data in the contract object available in the workflow.

Environment contract Object

When a workflow is executed with a specific scope, the environment context JSON object is provided in a file called contract.json. This file is accessible from the Runner and contains information about the environment, such as its ID, name, owner email, inputs and all grains introspection data.

Here is an example of a contract.json file:

"id": "kuzxqUlGSM4C",
"name": "EC2",
"owner_email": "",
"last_used": "2023-10-07T11:57:18.6865654Z",
"inputs": [
"name": "instance_name",
"type": "string",
"value": "EC2",
"sensitive": false,
"description": "Name for the EC2 instance"
"name": "aws_region",
"type": "string",
"value": "eu-west-1",
"sensitive": false,
"description": "AWS region to create resources in"
"name": "instance_ami",
"type": "string",
"value": "ami-016587dea5af03adb",
"sensitive": false,
"description": "AMI ID for the EC2 instance"
"name": "instance_type",
"type": "string",
"value": "t2.micro",
"sensitive": false,
"description": "Instance type for the EC2 instance"
"name": "key_pair_name",
"type": "string",
"value": "key-pair",
"sensitive": false,
"description": "Name of the key pair"
"name": "agent",
"type": "agent",
"value": "cloud-agent",
"sensitive": false,
"description": null
"grains": {
"ec2": {
"kind": "terraform",
"path": "ec2",
"outputs": {
"instance_availability_zone": "eu-west-1c",
"instance_id": "i-044264d8ee1c50f3d",
"instance_private_ip": "",
"instance_public_ip": "",
"instance_subnet_id": "subnet-0c1abbaed3cdbdb66"
"root_blueprint": {
"kind": "blueprint",
"path": "root_blueprint",
"outputs": {
"ec2_instance_availability_zone": "eu-west-1c",
"ec2_instance_id": "i-044264d8ee1c50f3d",
"ec2_instance_private_ip": "",
"ec2_instance_public_ip": "",
"ec2_instance_subnet_id": "subnet-0c1abbaed3cdbdb66",
"ec2_instance_vpc_id": ""
"resources": [
"grain_path": "ec2",
"resource_name": "my_ec2_instance",
"resource_type": "aws_instance",
"identifier": "aws_instance.my_ec2_instance",
"attributes": {
"id": "i-044264d8ee1c50f3d",
"ami": "ami-016587dea5af03adb",
"arn": "arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:<accout-id>:instance/i-044264d8ee1c50f3d",
"tags": "..",
"host_id": "",
"tenancy": "default",
"key_name": "key-pair",
"tags_all": "..",
"timeouts": "",
"public_ip": "",
"subnet_id": "subnet-0c1abbaed3cdbdb66",
"user_data": "",
"monitoring": "False",
"private_ip": "",
"public_dns": "",
"cpu_options": "[\n {\n \"amd_sev_snp\": \"\",\n \"core_count\": 1,\n \"threads_per_core\": 1\n }\n]",
"hibernation": "False",
"outpost_arn": "",
"private_dns": "",
"volume_tags": "",
"ebs_optimized": "False",
"instance_type": "t2.micro",
"******_data": "",
"cpu_core_count": "1",
"instance_state": "running",
"ipv6_addresses": "[]",
"enclave_options": "[\n {\n \"enabled\": false\n }\n]",
"launch_template": "[]",
"placement_group": "",
"security_groups": "[\n \"default\"\n]",
"disable_api_stop": "False",
"ebs_block_device": "[]",
"metadata_options": "[\n {\n \"http_endpoint\": \"enabled\",\n \"http_protocol_ipv6\": \"disabled\",\n \"http_put_response_hop_limit\": 1,\n \"http_tokens\": \"optional\",\n \"instance_metadata_tags\": \"disabled\"\n }\n]",
"user_data_base64": "",
"availability_zone": "eu-west-1c",
"get_******_data": "False",
"network_interface": "[]",
"root_block_device": "[\n {\n \"delete_on_termination\": true,\n \"device_name\": \"/dev/sda1\",\n \"encrypted\": false,\n \"iops\": 100,\n \"kms_key_id\": \"\",\n \"tags\": {},\n \"tags_all\": {},\n \"throughput\": 0,\n \"volume_id\": \"vol-00160f2bba38f64ea\",\n \"volume_size\": 8,\n \"volume_type\": \"gp2\"\n }\n]",
"source_dest_check": "True",
"instance_lifecycle": "",
"ipv6_address_count": "0",
"maintenance_options": "[\n {\n \"auto_recovery\": \"default\"\n }\n]",
"cpu_threads_per_core": "1",
"credit_specification": "[\n {\n \"cpu_credits\": \"standard\"\n }\n]",
"iam_instance_profile": "",
"secondary_private_ips": "[]",
"ephemeral_block_device": "[]",
"vpc_security_group_ids": "[\n \"sg-085399a72b47e21e3\"\n]",
"disable_api_termination": "False",
"host_resource_group_arn": "",
"instance_market_options": "[]",
"private_dns_name_options": "[\n {\n \"enable_resource_name_dns_a_record\": false,\n \"enable_resource_name_dns_aaaa_record\": false,\n \"hostname_type\": \"ip-name\"\n }\n]",
"spot_instance_request_id": "",
"placement_partition_number": "0",
"associate_public_ip_address": "True",
"user_data_replace_on_change": "False",
"primary_network_interface_id": "eni-03e8445441f4ddb2e",
"capacity_reservation_specification": "[\n {\n \"capacity_reservation_preference\": \"open\",\n \"capacity_reservation_target\": []\n }\n]",
"instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior": "stop"


Workflows can be triggered by various types of events or schedules:

  1. cron: Schedules based on cron expressions.
    • overridable: Optional field to allow end-users to override the cron
  2. manual: Manually triggered workflows, optionally restricted to specific user groups.
    • groups: Optional field to allow only users in the specified groups to run the workflow
  3. event: Environment events can be events such as drift detected, updates detected, approval requests, and more. The events include:
    • Drift Detected
    • Updates Detected
    • Approval Request Approved
    • Approval Request Denied
    • Approval Request Cancelled
    • Environment Ended
    • Environment Launched
    • Environment Active With Error
    • Environment Ending Failed
    • Environment Force Ended
    • Environment Extended
    • Collaborator Added
    • Environment Idle
spec_version: 2
description: ...

scope: env

- type: event
- 'Approval Request Approved'
- 'Approval Request Cancelled'

- type: cron
cron: '0 22 * * *' # every day at 22:00
overridable: true # Allow end-users to override the cron

- type: manual
groups: # Optional, allow only users in the "Admin" group to run the workflow
- 'Admins'

inputs: ...
outputs: ...
grains: ...


Simple example running shell script in a Workflow

spec_version: 2
description: Workflow with shell grains

scope: env_resource
label-selector: azurerm_linux_virtual_machine

type: string
default: 'in1'
type: string
type: agent

value: '{{ .grains.helper.activities.deploy.commands.print.outputs.state_tr }}'
value: '{{ .inputs.input1 }}'

kind: shell
name: '{{ .inputs.agent }}'
- source: scripts
path: scripts/
- name: print
command: 'source {{ .bindings.resource_id }} {{ .bindings.grain_path }}'
- state_tr

kind: shell
depends-on: helper
name: '{{ .inputs.agent }}'
- name: print
command: 'echo "{{ .grains.helper.activities.deploy.commands.print.outputs.state_tr }}"'

Shell script:


# will print the attribute "power_state" of the resource
state=$(jq --arg ResourceId "$resource_id" --arg GrainPath "$grain_path" '.resources[] | select(.identifier == $ResourceId and .grain_path == $GrainPath) | .attributes | .power_state' $contract_path)

export state_tr=`echo -n $state | tr -d '"'`

echo ""
echo "extracted values:"
echo "------------------"
echo "state_tr: $state_tr"
echo "------------------"
echo ""

echo $state_tr
export $state_tr

Torque built-in Workflows

built-in workflows

Torque provides some out-of-the-box workflows for you to use.


All the built-in workflows are Ansible based and available here:

In order to use the built-in workflows, a built-in field is required and under source.path you need to point to the relevant action. E.g.:

      built-in: true

The list of the available actions:

  • aws-power-on-ec2-tf: This workflow is used to power on an EC2 instance in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-power-off-ec2-tf: This workflow is used to power off an EC2 instance in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-restart-ec2-tf: This workflow is used to restart an EC2 instance in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-power-on-vm-tf: This workflow is used to power on a virtual machine in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-power-off-vm-tf: This workflow is used to power off a virtual machine in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-restart-vm-tf: This workflow is used to restart a virtual machine in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • netapp-cvo-azure-power-on-vm-tf: This workflow is used to power on a NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP virtual machine in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • netapp-cvo-azure-deallocate-vm-tf: This workflow is used to deallocate a NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP virtual machine in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • netapp-cvo-azure-restart-vm-tf: This workflow is used to restart a NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP virtual machine in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-temp-stop-rds-tf: This workflow is used to temporarily stop an RDS instance in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-delete-rds-tf: This workflow is used to delete an RDS instance in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-delete-mariadb-tf: This workflow is used to delete a MariaDB server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-delete-mysql-tf: This workflow is used to delete a MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-delete-postgresql-tf: This workflow is used to delete a PostgreSQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-delete-flexible-mysql-tf: This workflow is used to delete a flexible MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-delete-flexible-postgresql-tf: This workflow is used to delete a flexible PostgreSQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-delete-mssql-tf: This workflow is used to delete an MSSQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-stop-mysql-server-tf: This workflow is used to stop a MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-start-mysql-server-tf: This workflow is used to start a MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-stop-mariadb-server-tf: This workflow is used to stop a MariaDB server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-start-mariadb-server-tf: This workflow is used to start a MariaDB server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-stop-flexible-postgresql-server-tf: This workflow is used to stop a flexible PostgreSQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-start-flexible-postgresql-server-tf: This workflow is used to start a flexible PostgreSQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-stop-flexible-mysql-server-tf: This workflow is used to stop a flexible MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-start-flexible-mysql-server-tf: This workflow is used to start a flexible MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-restart-mariadb-server-tf: This workflow is used to restart a MariaDB server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-restart-mysql-server-tf: This workflow is used to restart a MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-restart-flexible-mysql-server-tf: This workflow is used to restart a flexible MySQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-restart-flexible-postgresql-server-tf: This workflow is used to restart a flexible PostgreSQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-restart-postgresql-server-tf: This workflow is used to restart a PostgreSQL server in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-start-rds-tf: This workflow is used to start an RDS instance in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-power-on-ec2-cfn: This workflow is used to power on an EC2 instance in AWS that was provisioned using CloudFormation..
  • aws-power-off-ec2-cfn: This workflow is used to power off an EC2 instance in AWS that was provisioned using CloudFormation..
  • aws-restart-ec2-cfn: This workflow is used to restart an EC2 instance in AWS that was provisioned using CloudFormation..
  • aws-temp-stop-rds-cfn: This workflow is used to temporarily stop an RDS instance in AWS that was provisioned using CloudFormation..
  • aws-start-rds-cfn: This workflow is used to start an RDS instance in AWS that was provisioned using CloudFormation..
  • azure-pause-aks-tf: This workflow is used to pause an AKS cluster in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • azure-resume-aks-tf: This workflow is used to resume an AKS cluster in Azure that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-pause-eks-tf: This workflow is used to pause an EKS cluster in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.
  • aws-resume-eks-tf: This workflow is used to resume an EKS cluster in AWS that was provisioned using Terraform.

Example of built-in workflow:

spec_version: 2
description: This workflow pauses an EKS cluster on-demand

scope: env
label-selector: eks_cluster
- type: manual

type: agent
default: cloud-agent

kind: ansible
built-in: true
name: '{{ .inputs.agent }}'
  • Only one grain with built-in action may be present in workflow blueprint
  • One action will be ran per one introspection resource.

Explore Use-cases

To explore the different use-cases click here